Sunday 13 October 2019

Computational Intelligence (CI) Dream

I had the weirdest dream...

It was about the Twitter platform, except instead of tweets, people were tweeting these little AI programmes that represented the point you wanted to make.

The tweets would go out and then either interactively represent your argument in a discussion, or do other interactive things, like dance in time to music 'client side'.

For some reason people were calling them 'Computational Intelligences'. I can only assume this was out of respect for the derogatory connotation of 'Artificial'.

So you had this tweet stream of CIs that essentially talked to you, tried to engage you, or did other things in response to you.

The next phase were these AI documents. It was like, given that we can produce an infinite amount of text now, using language models, the actual text itself is irrelevant. Once there is essentially infinite text, any given text, no matter how persuasive or novel or important, is essentially worthless.

Instead we have 'smart documents', that embody the essence of the argument, I guess using finding from computational argumentation.

So you'd draft your argument, rather than a specific text, and the CI would go out and advocate your argument.

The other thing was it could produce the best text for a given argument, allowing you to re-structure your argument and automatically generate a text for it. Like a context sensitive drag and drop. Moving this concept into the introduction changes the font, or the form, of the argument.

Well... it was just a dream.